Charter of rights for children in care in the Northern Territory

The Charter of Rights for Children in Care in the Northern Territory was developed in conjunction with:

  • children
  • young people
  • carers 
  • other organisations that work with children in NT.

What the charter of rights says

The charter ensures that the rights of children in out of home care are given special attention and promoted. It outlines:

  • the rights that children in care have
  • what they should expect from those who are caring for them.  

Case worker responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the child or young person's caseworker to ensure the charter of rights is provided and explained to the child or young person in a way that they can understand.


The charter of rights for children and young people in out-of-home care is accompanied by fact sheets for staff and carers. These resources explain how to support children in out-of-home care to understand their rights and what the charter means for them.

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